For our Launch Title module, we had to come together with students from the animation course in groups to devise a game around the theme of "Isolated to Connected".
After a brainstorming session, we decided on a game around two lovers in space, in a sci-fi setting, and got to work.
Miro Board
First and foremost, I set up a Miro Board for the team to use, where we would divide into sections we needed to do and get visual inspiration. I made a section for each role to put content in relation to their role.
As for UI, I divided it into the sections in which 3D Platformers commonly have, and brain-stormed ideas based around our basic concept of a Sci-Fi platformer.
From here, I then went ahead and made a UI Design Notebook. I cross-referenced other games and sketched out examples of how I wanted the UI to be layed out, mentioning the techniques I hoped to carry over and justified why I chose them.
UI Design Notebook
I made simple flow-charts to determine the flow of the UI and what option would bring the player where. I made sure to add proofing for potential false inputs to avoid unnecessary frustration.
I then created Player Personas to find potential changes or quality of life improvements based around these types of people.
I also referenced Laws of UI in suggesting improvements to my User Interface, such as the Law of Similarity telling me how to set my buttons apart from each other.
In setting up the foundations for this project, I did Weekly Task documents in which I conferred with everyone in regards to tasks to do, before I gave up my producer role.
Additionally, I made a basic development timetable for Week 3-6.
I also added information about the User Interface into our Game Design Document as the sole UI Designer.